
Choice Store Voucher Code → January 2025

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How do i make a complaint at choice store?

We are sorry to hear that you are not satisfied with the service you have received on this occasion.

How do i create an account at choice store?

You can log in to your Choice Store account by clicking the 'Register / Sign In' link in the top right corner of the home page. This will take you to a page where you will be able to fill in all of your personal, billing and delivery details.

How do i know if you have received my order at choice store?

After your order has been successfully placed, you will receive an email acknowledging your order has been received. This does not mean that we have confirmed your order: only after your credit-card details have been approved, the delivery address has been verified and the items located will your order be accepted and the items shipped. You will receive a further email confirming the dispatch of your order once it is sent.

About Choice Store

Choice Store is an independent British retailer, providing the latest in desirable designer fashion. A growing destination store for menswear, women’s wear and kids wear, our collections feature globally recognised brands and cutting edge new designers. Fashion is ever changing but our ethos to bring our customers the highest quality designer clothing, shoes and accessories is a constant. Established in 1993, Choice opened its first dedicated menswear store in Romford Essex. From these humble beginnings, the company has continued to grow. Customers can now shop online with us or at any of our prime retail destinations across the South East of England. Find us at Bluewater shopping centre Kent, Lakeside shopping centre, Essex, Westfield shopping centre London and at Mercury shopping centre in Romford Essex.

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